Sunday, 26 August 2012

Google Adsense For Mobile Applications

Most of you would have figured out what I mean to say through this post but now let me make it more clear to you all. Google has announced Adsense for mobile applications Beta , a program for those application developers who want to generate revenue from their applications.
The program currently in Beta stage will create direct contact between the advertisers and the consumers and thus in process help the application developers to generate money by displaying text and image ads in their iPhone and Android applications.
Advertisers are always keen to reach their target customers by one way or the other and thus advertising through mobile applications is the latest concept promoted by Google through this Beta program ,in-turn the application developers will get a chance to make quick cash and the consumers will get direct access to products of their choice thus saving their time and energy for looking for the desired products and services.
I must say that with these kinds of Innovative ideas Google has a really long way to go ahead of its competitors.
For the official Google Announcement refer Here.
To apply for the Beta program Application developers can apply Here.
If you already are a part of this beta program, do share your experience experience with us.

Wphone – Wordpress on mobile

Before beginning to write about Wphone, i would like you to guess what can this be about ?
Think…………… !
Okay, if you cant think about anything then let me give you a hint, its a wordpress plugin.
Still cant think about anything, fine without further waisting any time, i will start by saying its ’simplified wordpress on phone’.
This plugin was devised to make mobile blogging easy. By using it, you wont be introducing any material changes to your blog, however it will certainly make your life easy if you blog from mobile !
Moving further, you can download the plugin from the wordpress page and in order to install this plugin you need to follow the simple procedure of uploading the plugin to the default plugin directory on your server and then activating it from dashboard.
And thats it ! !
No need for any other configuration !
The rest will be handled by the plugin itself.
After installing it, you will notice an option for ‘ Use Mobile Admin Interface ‘ on wordpress login page, as shown below.
While logging on from your phone, checking that box will result in you logging in a wordpress dashboard specially designed for mobile phones.
Wphone on mobile
My Recommendation – I have been using this plugin for some time and have found it really easy to use however as many plugins do, it also has some bugs like, image uploading, etc. But all in all i would recommend you to use it ( If you blog from mobile a lot ).
Do tell me, how you liked the plugin and if you have better option than this one, do discuss !!!

Hoe to add the "Add a Gadget" on Header and Blog Posts of Blogger Page Elements

As well as another Content Management System (CMS) base sites (ie : Wordpress, Joomla, Mambo, Drupal etc) Blogger Template consist of Page Elements (header, main, sidebar and footer) and Each element of this page, usually also composed of a few gadgets (the name may be different on each CMS).
Pege Elements are very important. In addition to its function, Elements (Widget) of the page and Gadgets, also affect to the overall look of the pages of our blog.

One of the advantages of a CMS base sites is the Flexibility, In these CMS sites, we could cange the Elements, add or less the Gadgets and also set the appereance (display) of the Page..

When we first create a Blog in Blogger, the Default Templates consisting of 4 page elements: Header, Blog Posts, Sidebar (which consists of About Me, Blog Archive and the Follower), and a Blank Page Elements at the bottom of blog pages (usually filled with Footer). From the above picture seen that the Header and Blog Posts does not have the facility to add gadgets. To optimize the blog and to be able to add various functions (gadgets) in it, then the Header and Blog Posts must be change.

Let's do it by following this steps:

1 . As usually Log in to Blogger
2. On your Dashboard, select the Layout menu, than click the Edit HTML. Under the Edit Template you can see your Blog's HTML. (please Back up first...!)
3. To have an “Add a Gadget” option, under “Header”, Check the "Expand Widgets Templates" then Scroll down and towards the bottom, you will see these lines (use Ctrl+F to find):
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Blogger Test Result (Header)' type='Header'>
<b:includable id='main'>
Change with this :
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='2' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Blogger Test Result (Header)' type='Header'>
<b:includable id='main'>
This will give you 1 more Page Element in your Header. You can add it more by change the number of maxwidgets="..."
4. To add "Add a Gadget" on the Blog Posts, find these lines
<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
Than change with this:
<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
Once You have done, don't forget to Save Template... And You will have :

Finnaly we have a "New" Blogger Page Element ready to optimized...
Simple isn't it...?

How To Make A Sticky Post In Blogger

Sticky posts in blogger blogs are like featured posts in wordpress. By default your blog homepage shows recently published posts but you can keep a certain post as your sticky post and which will stay above all other blog posts. This is great to highlight your best or an important post. This sticky post will be there above all posts no matter how many new posts you publish. All your new posts will get arranged below that sticky post automatically.
Earlier bloggers used to publish a post on a future date to activate this sticky post on their blogger blogs. For an example if you schedule a post to get published on 13-12-2009, this post will be there as the sticky till 13th december 2009. Blogger was not supporting scheduled posts and as a result that post would be there till that scheduled date. But Blogger fixed this bug a while ago and this trick is not working anymore.
So, we have to follow any alternative method to make a post sticky post. Well, we can’t call this a sticky post exactly, because this will not be a post though it will stay above all your blog posts. This can be done with a simple HTML edit. You can also change that sticky contents frequently. You will be having total control over that. Lets discuss about it in details.

1. Navigate to Page Elements >> Edit Template

2. Search for the following code in your template

ass='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>
3. Now inside the above code you can find a code
ass='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
This code is for the post section. We can edit this code to add another gadget on our post body.

4. You have to change NO to Yes in the above code. That means after editing the code it should look like
ass='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
Save the template.5. Now navigate to Page Elements and you can notice a new Add a Gadget option there above your post contents. Check out the below screenshot
sticky post blogger
6. You can use either TEXT or HTML/Javascript gadget to write your post and then save. This will show your text above all your blog posts.
7. You are done.
This is how you can make a sticky post on blogger blogs.

How To Make a Sticky Post in Your Blogger With a Simple Trick.

Because of the specific goals, sometimes we want every guest who visited our blog, read or see: pictures, messages, or a particular post on all of our blog pages they were visited, it's call a sticky post.
Usually we put the sticky post above the blog post.

In blogger post rule, a new post will be shown on the top, while the older one place below/after it or become archive (depending on your post setting), but with this very simple trick you can remain your post sticky at the top.

Actually this trick is very simple, The key is add the "Add a Gadget" widget above Blog Post in Page Element
By default this widget isn't there, we must doing a little trick first to get that widget. If you do not have Add a Gadget Widget yet, please follow this link
The rest step is just to add our Sticky Post (or you can put picture, message, HTML/JavaScript ) by Add a Gadget Widget above the blog post.

If you want to add a "post form" exactly like your post, then you can add a "Text" gadget.
Please not to write your post title in Title Column because it will show up as a "Gadget Title" not as a Post Title, you better write it in Content. and set the display as a Post Title.

The Problem is: to do this trick, we must use HTML code to make up the text... But don't worry, if you are not capable with HTML Codes, there are simple and fast way to make your sticky post without learn it. Use your "New Post" to make a sample of your sticky post, set the display as close as your real post, use the Preview to check your sticky post display then copy-paste into your content collumn text add gadget.

Open your Blogger Dashboard >> New Post. Write your sticky post.

Use Preview to check your final displal, Block your Sticky Post text.

Open your Dashboard in a new Tab >> Layout >> Page Element >> Add a Gadget (above your blogpost) >> Click Text >> Paste your Sticky Post into content column. and Save it.
And this is the final example...

Satellite TV

Satellite TV

Satellite TV is a broadcasting service which allows subscribers to receive television signals through a dish-shaped receiver unit. These signals are originally uploaded to a communications satellite that is in a fixed orbit above the earth, and then electronically scrambled to prevent unauthorized downloading. Those who pay a subscription fee for satellite TV service are issued both the receiving dish and a descrambler. The actual tuning information is fed into the television through a cable, much like the earth-bound cable television services in competition with satellite TV providers.

Satellite TV solves many of the problems associated with earlier television broadcasting methods. Television stations originally broadcast their signals in two specific radio wave bands- VHF (very high frequency) and UHF (ultra-high frequency). Aerial antennas placed on roofs or attached to the television itself would receive as much of these radio wave transmissions as possible, but the results could be barely watch able depending on the strength of the signal, the terrain between the station and the television set, and the atmospheric conditions. Cable television systems could provide a better television signal, but this involved stringing miles of insulated wire and creating subscription services.
Satellite TV provides a strong digital signal to subscribers' television sets and is almost completely wireless. Earlier satellite TV systems used very large dish receivers in order to focus the distant signals onto a powered antenna. Since different television channels were located on different communication satellites, these dishes would have to physically turn to predetermined points in the sky in order to receive the proper signals. Because regulation of these early dishes was not uniform, illegal electronic descramblers became a lucrative underground market. Stiffer penalties for unauthorized descramblers paved the way for legitimate satellite TV subscription services.

Modern satellite TV services have streamlined the process. A single communication satellite now remains in a steady orbit above the Earth, allowing all subscribers to mount a much smaller dish receiver at a fixed point. Technicians from the satellite TV provider may install the dish or owners can determine the proper receiving angle and do it themselves. Instead of scanning various satellites for different channels, modern satellite television providers license the use of popular cable or broadcast channels. Much like a cable system, the tuner descrambles selected programs sent out on a specific frequency. This allows satellite providers the option of pay-per-view movie rentals or the blocking of adult-oriented or premium movie channels.

Satellite TV services are especially popular in rural areas with poor broadcast reception and/or no cable service. Purchase of a receiving dish is generally limited to homeowners, not renters. Satellite dishes must have a clear line of sight to the satellite itself for best reception. Some homeowners discover that a grove of trees or mountainous terrain can be problematic. Critics of satellite TV also mention reception problems during heavy rains or snowfall. Signals between an earth-bound receiver and a space-based satellite can be affected by atmospheric conditions between them, but other television services also have similar drawbacks. Many customers prefer the additional channels available on satellite TV systems and the clarity of the digital signals.

Tips about Direct TV DSL

DSL can be considered an extension of phone service. Cable internet can be considered an extension of cable TV service. Direct TV DSL was at one point an extension of the DirecTV-style mini-dish satellite TV service. But it struggled to find and audience and DirecTV pulled the plug. Since then, a number of satellite internet providers have sprung up, but apparently none of them offer a TV plus DSL service. If you are interested in such a package of TV plus high speed internet, keep an eye on the internet, and write your nearest cable company, asking if they can extend service to your area.

Disadvantages of Direct TV DSL

More about Direct TV DSL: Though cutting edge and effective worldwide, Direct-TV DSL has many downsides. Most prohibitive of all is the cost. A dish and specialized modem must be purchased for use. This costs upwards of 500 dollars. Additionally, service fees tend to be higher than cable and DSL. Unlike wire-based systems, Direct TV DSL packages generally do not offer a fixed IP address, meaning that it is very difficult to run your own webpage over a satellite connection. Partial service outages or slowdowns can also be caused by bad weather or something blocking the dish.

Advantages of Direct TV DSL
There are many unique advantages to Direct TV DSL. Unlike regular DSL, or even cable, Direct TV DSL is available anywhere worldwide. Even ships at sea can receive broadband internet access by using it. Since the connection from source to user contains no wires, damage to phone lines does not affect service. Also, due to the relatively low numbers of users, it is essentially immune to signal slowdown due to overuse. It is also incredibly cool to show off to friends visiting your home.

Obtaining Direct TV DSL

Direct TV DSL is available all over the world. However, it can be hard to find a provider. Unlike DSL, which is backed largely by phone companies, and cable internet, which is backed by cable internet services, Direct-TV DSL is largely provided by independent companies. A local phone directory will most likely not mention any providers. Try internet searches for best results, or asking a friend who has experience with the service.

Direct TV DSL

About Direct TV DSL: Direct TV DSL is very unlike conventional DSL. However, it is very much like direct TV. With Direct TV DSL, Internet connectivity is provided by a satellite, which broadcasts to a small dish, much like satellite TV companies use. Though sometimes called Direct-TV DSL, this service is almost entirely unlike DSL. The only real similarities are that different users link directly to a singular central point.

Choosing Direct TV DSL

The question of whether or not to choose broadband DSL television is an important one. After all, the service costs many times what comparable-speed connections do. However, it offers a level of reliability well above that of other services. Whether it's the right choice for you might have more to do with whether or not you have access to other services than anything else. If other broadband options are not there, Direct TV DSL fills the gap nicely.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Short Forms Used Frequently On Social Media

Now a days we all are using social media. Social media has become a vital part in everyone’s life these days. No one has got time to concentrate on any one site in particular be it Orkut, Facebook, Hi5 or Twitter. To save time users generally use short keywords instead of boring usual long sentences ! ! And sometimes, it becomes difficult to understand them !

In this post i am sharing some of the commonly used short words, which will certainly save you time in understanding them easily and quickly. And Dont forget to bookmark this page for future referance !!
AFAIK — As Far As I Know
ASAP — As Soon As Possible
BCNU – Be Seeing You
BRB — Be Right Back
BTDT — Been there done that
BTW — By The Way
CID — Consider It Done
COZ — Because
DYLM — Do You Like me
EZ — Easy
FOTFLOL — Falling On The Floor, Laughing Out Loud
F2T — Free to Talk
GAL — Get A Life
GTG — Got To Go
GR8 — Great
HAND – Have A Nice Day
HOT4U — Hot For You
H8 — Hate
IMHO — In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO – In My Not So Humble Opinion
IM2GUD4U – I’m Too Good For You
K — Okay
LOL – Laughing Out Loud OR Loads Of Love
L8 — Late
L8ER – Later
M8 — Mate
MMFU – My Mate Fancies You
MTFBWU – May The Force Be With You
NE — Any
NETHNG – Anything
NE1 — Anyone
NO1 — No One
NP — No Problem
OIC — Oh, I See
OMG — Oh, My God
PAW — Parents Are Watching
PLS — Please
PPL — People
RUOK — Are You Okay
SOZ — Sorry
STFU — Shut The Fuck Up
SUM1 — Someone
THANQ — Thank You
THX — Thanks
TTYL — Talk To You Later
TYVM — Thank You Very Much
URAQT — You Are A Cutie
URA* — You Are A Star
WAN2 — Want To
WIV — Write Back Soon
W/O — Without
W/E — Whatever
WKND — Weekend
WUD ? — What You Doing
WYGOWM — Will You Go Out With Me
XLNT — Excellent
YYSSW — Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever
1CE — Once
2DAY – Today
2MOR — Tomorrow
2NITE – Tonight
26Y4U — Too Sexy For You
ROTFL — Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Besides the above mentioned Shortwords, if have other suggestions, dont hesitate and leave a comment here and i will add them to this list !!

P.S — You can also use these terms to maximise the use of 160 characters (sms limit)







Get The ID Of Your Choice :

Yahoo started 2 new domains and
They are just launched, so be fast and grab ID of your choice now. You can create new ids with rocketmail and ymail like or

Rocketmail will be considered as Yahoo Mail only.The and addresses deliver all the great features you love about Yahoo.

So visit and enjoy : Click here to create ID

Increase the Speed of Your Internet Connection

Does your ISP deliver the speed you pay for? It’s rather easy to test your broadband internet speed. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, ISPs usually promise an “up to” speed, so you can’t expect top performance at all times, that’s part of the deal. During high traffic times your ISP will suffer from high loads and will certainly not be able to deliver the maximum speed. Thus you’d best perform different speed tests at different time points, to see whether you ever reach the top speed. Also, when running a speed test, make sure no other applications are using the internet, else the result will not be accurate. is a good place to test your internet speed. They operate through servers all over the world, so you can connect to a server near you, which increases the accuracy of your result.
Test your Internet Speed
As you may realize, your internet speed does not only depend on your ISP, it also depends on the hardware and software used on your end of the line. If you are using hardware provided by your ISP, there shouldn’t be a problem. The bottleneck for speed often sits in the connecting computer.
Here are a few tips to Increase the Speed of Your Internet Connection

(1) Connecting Port

This may seem obvious, but you should connect to the internet though an ethernet port, rather than a serial, parallel or USB port. If ethernet is not an option, it may be advisable to update your hardware.

(2) Enough RAM

Make sure your system memory can handle the load! If you want to browse fast, you will need to close other applications in case your RAM is maxed out.

(3) Fast Browser

Mozilla based browsers generally are among the fastest browsers, while still being comfortable to use. Whichever open source browser you pick, make sure you don’t overload it with extensions or addons, those will just slow your browser down dramatically. On the other hand, if speed and RAM are not an issue, go for the luxury!
Also there are a number of tweaks and addons to increase the speed of your browser.

(4) Increase Speed under Windows XP Pro

Windows XP Professional reserves 20% of your bandwidth for services like updates or spyware checks. If you would like to exploit this reserve, do the following:
    1. Click [Windows] + [R] and type gpedit.msc in the Run window.
    2. Under Computer Configuration expand the Administrative Templates.
    3. Go to Network and click the QoS Packet Scheduler tab.
    4. Double-click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and enable it.
    5. Finally change the Bandwidth limit to 0% and click Apply.
    6. Reboot your computer and enjoy.

(5) Tweak Tools

There are a number of programs that promise to increase your internet speed. They may work, they may not. They all apply a number of changes to optimize your network settings. Whether or not they will really improve your internet speed or which one will work the best for you greatly depends on your system, hence it’s difficult to recommend an application.
For further reading I will refer you to a set of articles found on Start with DSL and Cable Broadband Speed Tweaks and work your way through the links at the bottom.

How to check Broadband speed? : Elegant Broadband Speed Test

There is no doubt that if you want to check the speed of your broadband internet connection, you could go to various websites online which offer broadband speed test service for free. However, although does the same job of measuring the broadband speed, is different in this league.
It’s different because it has an elegant user interface which executes the job comprehensively, showing you the accurate download and upload speeds in Kbits and also the number of connections plus the ping or response time of the connection. It further classifies your connection on a scale of bad to excellent giving you an idea of the service which you are getting from your ISP.

broadband speed test
Yeah, you can see my internet connection is ‘ less good ‘ and it’s time I switch internet service providers ( if at all there’s a better ISP in my area :) is flash based tool and also allows you to register for free and save the speed test results.
Check out

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

How Google AdSense Works?

Using Google Advertising to Boost Site Revenue

Google AdSense is an easy way to monetize most websites and blogs. The Google advertising system places text and graphic ads onto websites that sign up for the program and install a basic JavaScript code onto each page that will carry a block of Google advertising.
The advertisers are people who have signed up through Google AdWords to advertise their websites or their affiliate links. Those who advertise through Google AdWords choose keywords and pay for their advertising to be seen by those who have those keywords on their sites.

Using Google AdSense to Monetize a Site

Many sites and blogs are monetized with AdSense because it's easy and automatic. Once the code has been added to the page, AdSense automatically delivers the right ads that correspond to the content on the page. The ads chosen by AdSense generally correspond to the advertiser's chosen keywords.
A website or blog owner who is using Google advertising to monetize their site will often use keywords that correspond to ads that will interest the site's readers. Though the site owner can't specifically choose which Google ad that appears on the site, he can choose the type of ads that appear by adding keywords into the text on the page.

Google AdSense Revenue

Most Google advertising runs on the pay-per-click model. Revenue is generated each time a reader sees a Google ad that interests them and they click the ad to learn more. Bloggers and site owners who use Google AdSense for revenue seek higher traffic numbers in order to raise revenues, though higher revenues don't always follow more traffic.
While the amount of traffic to a site often means more readers who click ads, leading to higher revenue coming in, the actual amount of money made per click depends on the keywords used and the competition for those keywords. If competition among advertisers is high, the price for each click goes up. Low-competition keywords may earn the site owner as little as .01 for a reader click.
Google AdSense revenue is payable by check or by direct bank deposit for those who verify their bank account with Google. The minimum payment amount is $100, and payment is made 30 days after the end of the month in which the minimum has been reached. If the minimum is not met, the revenue carries over to the next month.

Customizing Google Advertising

One reason for the popularity of Google advertising is that it can be added to a page in blocks of various sizes. These range from a long, thin block of ads that stretches across the top or bottom of a page to one small Google ad that inhabits a quiet corner of a page. The colors and overall look of the ads are also customizable, making it easy to make the ads blend in with the design of a page.

Google Adsense For Mobile Applications

Most of you would have figured out what I mean to say through this post but now let me make it more clear to you all. Google has announced Adsense for mobile applications Beta , a program for those application developers who want to generate revenue from their applications.
The program currently in Beta stage will create direct contact between the advertisers and the consumers and thus in process help the application developers to generate money by displaying text and image ads in their iPhone and Android applications.
Advertisers are always keen to reach their target customers by one way or the other and thus advertising through mobile applications is the latest concept promoted by Google through this Beta program ,in-turn the application developers will get a chance to make quick cash and the consumers will get direct access to products of their choice thus saving their time and energy for looking for the desired products and services.
I must say that with these kinds of Innovative ideas Google has a really long way to go ahead of its competitors.

For the official Google Announcement refer Here.

To apply for the Beta program Application developers can apply Here.

Wphone – Wordpress on mobile

Before beginning to write about Wphone, i would like you to guess what can this be about ?
Think…………… !
Okay, if you cant think about anything then let me give you a hint, its a wordpress plugin.
Still cant think about anything, fine without further waisting any time, i will start by saying its ’simplified wordpress on phone’.
This plugin was devised to make mobile blogging easy. By using it, you wont be introducing any material changes to your blog, however it will certainly make your life easy if you blog from mobile !
Moving further, you can download the plugin from the wordpress page and in order to install this plugin you need to follow the simple procedure of uploading the plugin to the default plugin directory on your server and then activating it from dashboard.
And thats it ! !
No need for any other configuration !
The rest will be handled by the plugin itself.
After installing it, you will notice an option for ‘ Use Mobile Admin Interface ‘ on wordpress login page, as shown below.
While logging on from your phone, checking that box will result in you logging in a wordpress dashboard specially designed for mobile phones.
Wphone on mobile
My Recommendation – I have been using this plugin for some time and have found it really easy to use however as many plugins do, it also has some bugs like, image uploading, etc. But all in all i would recommend you to use it ( If you blog from mobile a lot ).
Do tell me, how you liked the plugin and if you have better option than this one, do discuss !!!

What is Click Fraud?

Google AdSense Accounts Closed if Fraudulent Ad Clicks are Suspected

As print media experiences a drop in readership and advertising, web-based pay per click (PPC) advertising opportunities through Google's AdWords and AdSense programs are steadily on the rise. But these internet advertising programs are not without flaws; ad click fraud is a serious problem that's prompted Google to take a zero-tolerance stance as the web giant tries to maintain the integrity of its AdSense and AdWords internet advertising programs.

What is Click Fraud?

Click fraud is the act of clicking advertisements on the internet with the intention of earning money or draining a competitor's advertising account. Fraudulent ad clicks are extremely problematic, as it undermines the integrity of the Google AdWords program and other similar internet-based PPC advertising programs that involve clicking on an ad containing a link that, in turn, directs the clicker to the advertiser's web page.

Websites and Bloggers Committing Click Fraud

A large portion of fraudulent clicks come as a dishonest attempt to earn money via Google's AdSense program. The AdSense program enables websites and blogs to display contextual advertisements and with each ad that's clicked, the website or blogger earns a portion of the money that the advertiser agreed to pay per click.
What many fraudulent clickers don't realize is that Google tracks each and every click with IP address logging, among other methods. Red flags arise when abnormal ad clicking patterns emerge over a period of weeks or months, be it a suspicious pattern of ad clicks from a particular IP address or an unusually high number of clicks on the advertisements displayed on a web page.
When click fraud is suspected, the staff at Google investigate the invalid clicks. When a situation involving fraudulent clicks is confirmed, Google typically hands out a lifetime ban from the AdSense program.

Advertisers and Fraudulent Clicks
Another form of click fraud involves advertisers who use ad clicks as part of malicious and unethical business practices.
Advertisers have been known to engage in click fraud by clicking a competitor's web ads in an effort to expend the competitor's pre-set daily spending limit for advertisements. With the Google AdWords program, advertisers pay each time an ad is clicked. An advertiser's ads will "shut off" for the day once the pre-set daily spending limit is reached, so by committing click fraud, dishonest advertisers attempt to eliminate the competitor's internet ads.

Other Forms of Click Fraud on the Web

Another form of click fraud involves a "click exchange." A click exchange involves two or more individuals who, in an attempt to "outsmart" Google, agree to click ads on each others' website or blog.
Dishonest individuals who take part in click exchanges mistakenly believe that they cannot be held responsible for clicks that originate from another person's IP address. In reality, Google is wise to the click exchange, so any suspicious pattern of ad clicks — even those that originate from another person's IP address — that's consistent with click fraud serves as sufficient grounds for a lifetime ban from Google's AdSense program.
Promoting invalid clicks by instructing blog or website visitors to click on ads is another form of click fraud. Promotion of fraudulent ad clicks is considered a serious offense that's grounds for termination of a website's or blog's affiliation with AdSense.

Can You Appeal an AdSense Account Closure Due to Click Fraud?

For many years, there was no appeal process for individuals whose AdSense accounts were closed due to alleged click fraud involvement. But ultimately, Google decided to implement a click fraud appeals process, though it's believed that a very small percentage of accounts are ever reinstated following cancellation due to suspected click fraud.

Add The "Add a Gadget" on Header and Blog Posts of Blogger Page Elements

As well as another Content Management System (CMS) base sites (ie : Wordpress, Joomla, Mambo, Drupal etc) Blogger Template consist of Page Elements (header, main, sidebar and footer) and Each element of this page, usually also composed of a few gadgets (the name may be different on each CMS).
Pege Elements are very important. In addition to its function, Elements (Widget) of the page and Gadgets, also affect to the overall look of the pages of our blog.
One of the advantages of a CMS base sites is the Flexibility, In these CMS sites, we could cange the Elements, add or less the Gadgets and also set the appereance (display) of the Page..
When we first create a Blog in Blogger, the Default Templates consisting of 4 page elements: Header, Blog Posts, Sidebar (which consists of About Me, Blog Archive and the Follower), and a Blank Page Elements at the bottom of blog pages (usually filled with Footer). From the above picture seen that the Header and Blog Posts does not have the facility to add gadgets. To optimize the blog and to be able to add various functions (gadgets) in it, then the Header and Blog Posts must be change.

Let's do it by following this steps:

1 . As usually Log in to Blogger
2. On your Dashboard, select the Layout menu, than click the Edit HTML. Under the Edit Template you can see your Blog's HTML. (please Back up first...!)
3. To have an “Add a Gadget” option, under “Header”, Check the "Expand Widgets Templates" then Scroll down and towards the bottom, you will see these lines (use Ctrl+F to find):
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Blogger Test Result (Header)' type='Header'>
<b:includable id='main'>
Change with this :
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='2' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Blogger Test Result (Header)' type='Header'>
<b:includable id='main'>
This will give you 1 more Page Element in your Header. You can add it more by change the number of maxwidgets="..."
4. To add "Add a Gadget" on the Blog Posts, find these lines
<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
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Than change with this:
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<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
Once You have done, don't forget to Save Template... And You will have :

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Simple isn't it...?

Saturday, 9 June 2012

How To Download 100% Working Verified Torrents

With a huge potential targets, bittorent sites are now the most safest place for hacker and spammers. In the past few months I’ve noticed more and more infected torrents getting getting popular. Some torrents are password-protected others contain malicious viruses, and there’s even fake torrents to lure in unsuspecting torrenters.So how can we know before downloading
whether the torrent has been infected and it’s working or not.
Vertor is bittorrent site where every available torrents is checked for viruses, fakes, DRM and passwords. For this, it first downloads and then scans using latest antivirus software’s for any potential threat and makes sure that it not fake or password protected.
vertor logo
Suppose if you are downloading a new movie or popular video songs, you can search for the file with it’s build in search engine and each video torrent files are listed along with it’s screenshots.So you could verify before downloading whether the video torrent was fake or not, thereby saving your precious bandwidth.Similarly, for music torrents users can preview 20 seconds of the tracks, to avoid downloading the wrong files.
torrent screenshots
Further more, If a user has downloaded a torrent from a different site and wants to check if it is good enough, he can enter the hash of the torrent on a special page. If the torrent was checked by it will tell you whether it is a good one or not.
hash search

Overall features of Vertor

  • Check torrent files for complete download.
  • Screen-shots of video torrents.
  • Audio samples for music files.
  • Text/read-me/NFO files preview.
  • Checks torrent by hash.
  • HTTP Downloading Through BitLet.

Get Youtube on Your Desktop

We all use Youtube to watch and upload videos, its the undoubtedly the King of video sharing sites and its even going huge day by day. But recently I came across a freeware called Desktube which is a small tool that plays Youtube videos on desktop so you do not need to open Youtube in your browser.
The reason why I am promoting this app because of its simplicity and a lot more cleaner interface, its like Youtube minus the comments and ads. But it keeps all standard option like video sharing and related videos intact. Another good thing about this freeware is that it is not limited only to Youtube you can watch videos from Facebook and Twitter and upload videos too.
Also you update status on facebook and enjoy watching videos.

I bet you will enjoy using this app and like me you also advice other about this software.

System Requirements

Basic you will need adobe air to run this app and it supports all major operating systems. Know more about Adobe Air here

How To Watch Youtube Videos In High Quality

Today I am going to share a Youtube tip with you.Sometimes it is very annoying when you are watching any low quality video on Youtube.You are unable to read the text while watching any tutorial.So here is a very simple trick with which you can watch Youtube videos in high quality.
This will not boost up the quality but will surely increase it.So here is the simple trick.

When you are watching any just just add the following code to the end of the url



For example :
If the video url is
Just add the code and your url will look like this :
Here is the proof :
Screenshot of original video :

The video will load slower but quality will definitely increase.Do not believe me ??Try it yourself and do comment here, is it working or not !!
Note : This trick will work on 90 percent of the Youtube videos.

How to insert YouTube movies into PowerPoint slides?

Now click on "Movies and Sounds" option from the Insert" menu and choose the option "Movie from File".
You can insert the YouTube movies into your PowerPoint slides to express your idea or better way to communicate something. You can convey these ideas in more effective ways, if you are using movie files with your simple slides.
Follow the given steps to add YouTube movies into PowerPoint slides:
First of all download the movies and then save on your computer hard drive. Mostly movies are available in flash video file format on YouTube site. You can convert also the downloaded movies from YouTube into any common format, for example, windows media video file (wmv), windows video file (avi) and movie file (mpeg).
First of all open the presentation in which you want to insert movie file.
Now select your movie that you want to insert into slide and click on Ok button.
Here now you are asked "Do you want your movie to play automatically in the slide show? If not, it will play when you click it."
Recommend choosing Ok button to play automatically even if you want the movie to play when clicked.
Finally save your PowerPoint presentation and run it for test.

How to increase the Browsing and Downloading speed in Windows Vista? Vista Tips and Tricks

With windows Vista you have noticed the slow internet speed. The web browsing and downloading speed is very slow as compare to previous versions of windows. You can open the same sites in windows XP and server 2003 with the normal speed.
Follow the given steps to increase the Vista browsing speed:
First go to Advance tab in Internet Explorer and turn off the TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption option. Here to fix problem with some secure pages turn on the SSL 2.0 (Secure Sockets Layer) feature and click Ok button to close it.
Follow the major fix for this problem:
In windows Vista, the TCP autotuning feature is enabled by default. Some web servers do not respond properly to this feature, so it appears that some sites open with very slow speed.
To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.
First click on Start button and type CMD in Run option then press Enter.
At Command Prompt, type the following command and press enter.
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel= disabled
This command will disable the TCP autotuning feature. Now close the command Prompt and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.
You can easily restore these setting by typing the following command at Command Prompt.
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel= normal
Now close the command Prompt and again restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

How to enable the advance performance setting in windows vista? Vista Tips and Tricks

If you have noticed that the speed of your system is very slow with windows vista then today tip is very useful for you to increase the performance of windows vista. There is some default setting in vista which is used to manage the write caching on disk. By default windows enabled the write caching on disk but the advanced performance setting is disabled.
Follow the given steps to configure the advance performance setting in Windows Vista:
To enable this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.
First right click on My Computer icon then select the option Manage.
Here small windows will appear with title Computer Management, now select the Device Manager option, then locate the SATA Disk under the Disk Drives.
Here select the enable advanced performance sittings on the SATA disk.
Now click on Ok button to apply the setting and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

How to delete files that are used by other programs in windows XP/Vista? Vista Tips and Tricks

This tip will help you to delete the files and folders that are being used by another programs and applications, for example a virus affected file. You have tried to delete such kind of files or folders and received the any following messages.
  • Cannot delete file: the file is in use by the other program
  • Cannot delete file: There has been a sharing violation
  • Cannot delete file: The file is in use by another program or user
  • Cannot delete file: Disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
  • Cannot delete file: The source or destination file may be in use
Normally, a windows restart will allow you to delete such files or folders that are being used by other program, but if you want to manage it without restart your computer then simply you need to download a freeware tool called Unlocker.
You can download this tool for any windows version using Unlocker link. Download it and run the easy setup.
After installation, right click on file or folder that you want to delete and select the option Unlocker.
If your requested file or folder is used or locked by other application then a small window listing of lockers will appear.
Here simply click on “Unlock All” button and now you can easily delete this file.

How to save Inkjet Printer CAtridges?

6 Tips to Save on Your Printer Ink Cartridges

 Buying a printer is a one time cost, but since printer ink cartridges need to be bought on a regular basis, the cost of operating the printer and maintaining it in proper condition can add up. Each 'print' command, however small, makes your printer use ink, but with some easy tips, you can actually save a lot of ink and use a cartridge for a longer period than usual.

1) Print only what is necessary

Let's begin with economizing. Most often, we end up making unnecessary printouts and in the process waste precious ink. For instance, you might need to print only a small portion of a web page instead of the whole page. Instead of simply printing the whole page, complete with its heavy graphics etc, be specific on what you want to have in hard copy and print only that portion.

Text always consumes less ink compared to graphics or images. If textual information is all that you need then you can make sure that you don't print the graphics and images. If it is a web page you need to save in a printed form, check for its print version. If there is no print version, you can copy and paste the text in a word document and take a printout of that.

Also try to do a bit of planning and double check what you are printing before hitting the print button.

2) Go for a quick print preview

Most branded printers such as HP, Canon, Dell, Epson or any other printer come with a printer driver which has a very useful print preview function. With this function, you can have a prior preview of the copy you want to take a print out of.

This function is especially handy when you are directly taking the print out from the Internet. At times, what you see on a site is totally different as compared to the printed version. A quick preview can help to get the printout of the material that you specifically want.

3) Make sure the power is turned off

Just as you never switch off your computer without properly shutting it down, the same rule applies to your printer too. If you don't shut down the printer properly, the print heads will remain directly exposed to air causing the ink to dry in the nozzles which, in turn, could affect the quality of printing adversely. Make it a habit to check the position of the print heads before cutting off the power.

4) Use good software

There are various ink saving software options available online. These software applications are designed to reduce the consumption of your printer ink. With these applications, you can get good quality printout copies with less ink consumption even during high resolution printing.

5) Use printer ink cartridges smartly

If you don't do printing regularly, run a small printing test at least once a week, to avoid the ink cartridges from drying up. This little precaution will help you to increase the life of the cartridge.

6) Never expose your printer to extreme temperatures

Too much variation in room temperature is bad for printer ink cartridges. You must avoid keeping your printer in too hot or too cold a temperature as the cartridges can dry up. For lasting printer performance, make sure the room has a normal and stable temperature.

With these small but important tips, your printer ink cartridges will get a longer life. It is easy to buy good quality printer ink cartridges at excellent prices .


Printer Friendly Page

You can prints out any webpage with its background colors and with out background colors using Internet Explorer setting. Generally Internet Explorer setting "Print background colors and images" is disable, if you print webpage without background colors, then you can speed up your printing and save printer ink. But important thing to always preview WebPages before you print, in Internet Explorer go to File menu, then click on Print Preview option.
To enable or disable print background colors option, open your system Internet Explorer.
Click the Tools menu and then go to Internet Options and open it. Here click the Advanced tab then scroll down to find the option Printing section.
Now check the option "Print background colors and images" then Apply and ok.

click 2